June 11

Thinking of Getting Divorced? You’re Not Alone.


Thinking of Getting Divorced? You’re Not Alone.

In February 2014, The Office of National Statistics released 13 facts about divorce:

  1. There were thirteen divorces an hour in England and Wales in 2012
  2. This was a total of 118,140 divorces.
  3. Almost half of these divorces occurred in the first 10 years of marriage.
  4. Women were granted 65% of all divorces.
  5. There were 9,703 men and 60226 women aged over 60 who got divorced.
  6. One in seven divorces were granted as a result of adultery.
  7. There were 719 (less than 1%) divorces granted because of desertion.
  8. The average age at divorce was 45 for men and 42 for women.
  9. Most divorces (71%)were for first marriages
  10. 9% of couples divorcing had both been divorced before.
  11. 48% of couples divorcing had at least one child aged under 16 living with the family.
  12. Divorces were most likely to occur between the 4th and 8th Anniversary.
  13. It is expected that 42% of marriages will end in divorce.

These figures show just how many people are facing the prospect of divorce.

If you’re thinking of getting divorced, or if you need help and support to understand the divorce process, contact your local Leicestershire divorce solicitor today. James Belderbos has been practising family law since 2002 and has helped countless people through divorce proceedings.


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