April 12

How Collaborative Law Leads To Amicable Separation

How collaborative law and a change in divorce law can help you achieve an amicable separation.

For many years solicitors have been campaigning for no fault-based divorce. From 6th April 2022 you will no longer have to rely upon adultery or behaviour. The only thing that the court will need to be satisfied of is irretrievable breakdown of your marriage.

The question is then how to sort out finances. You will probably want to avoid court.

The Collaborative process is an alternative to court. Working together with your partner you will resolve all the questions and challenges sitting side by side in a room with your solicitors finding solutions.

Having set you sights on your preferred outcome you work together to achieve it.

There are many other advantages including you retaining control over the process, the venue, frequency and scheduling of the meetings.

In addition to resolving money and child arrangements benefits include enjoying a peaceful experience on drop offs, attending graduations, sharing the joy of the arrival of your first grandchild and being able to meet at family reunions without hiding from your former partner.

You’ve no doubt noticed that many things take longer following the pandemic. Those in the court process are facing delays of six months for hearings. The collaborative process allows you to arrange meetings in days and achieve solutions in a fraction of the time the court process takes.

Why should it be any different? The marriage maybe over but is there any need for hate or animosity whatever may or may not have happened in the marriage.

To find out more about your options visit to find a list of Collaborative solicitors in this area visit www.leicscollaborativefamilylaw.co.uk/meet-the-team where you will find committed professionals waiting to help you through this process.


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