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Divorce lawyers & divorce solicitors

Caring about you and your family’s future

How do you choose the right advisor?

When it comes to delicate family matters, it’s vital you choose the right solicitor to guide you to the best solution for you and where relevant, your children. You want to be listened to, you need to be understood, and you want the best advice and efficient service.

So how do you choose? There are a wide range of specialist family law firms and some very experienced and talented lawyers in general solicitors’ practices. So there’s lots of choice. Here’s our six-step guide on how to find the best specialist family lawyer for you.

  • Always choose a family law specialist solicitor and consider using a family specialist law firm. You wouldn’t expect to see your GP for a specialist heart diagnosis, you want someone who deals with heart problems all day long.
  • Make sure you’re confident you can build a good working relationship with your advisor. That means they listen to you carefully, and at the same time are prepared to give you strong guidance if and when it’s required.
  • Make sure your solicitors are a member of Resolution. That means they’ve committed to resolving relationship disputes in a constructive manner. An overly aggressive or nitpicking approach from your solicitor is bound to raise temperatures and the fees for both sides. Our solicitors will listen to you and advise the best option for your circumstances.
  • At the same time, make sure someone in your chosen firm has good experience of how the courts work, especially if you believe your family split will be acrimonious. Our senior partner worked as in the courts from the outset of his career, so we understand how the court works. Whilst every case is different, we can give you a good indication of how judges will view your case.
  • Make sure your solicitor really understands how the mediation process works. Our senior lawyers take formal training in mediation. Because we know the mediation process thoroughly, and understand the skills of a good mediator, we are better placed to guide you through the process and increase your chances of achieving the best result whatever process you use.
  • Get a feel for how efficient your solicitor will be. Inefficiency will definitely raise your stress levels and the level of costs. It can be difficult to judge at first, but it starts with how your first few contacts are handled. If you have any doubts, raise them, you’re entitled to, and a good solicitor should always be able to quickly put you at your ease.

What Our Clients Say About Us

The experienced family law specialists

Every family is different. Every relationship is different. We recognise every situation is unique, so we provide tailored family law solutions that are ideal for you and your specific circumstances.

Belderbos Solicitors is a law firm in Rutland wholly dedicated to family law. This means we’re focused solely on helping people you resolve relationship issues and the care of your children.

Whether you’re breaking up or tying the knot, we’ll listen and work with you to achieve the best possible outcome for your finances, assets or if relevant, your children. If you need a specialist in divorce or separation or pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements, get in touch.

Where you have a child or children, we’ll help you to establish where they spend time and who they live with when your relationship with their other parent ends. We’re a law firm that specialises in the often-complex area of child arrangements.

Relationships and the care of children can naturally be the cause of highly emotional stand-offs between people. They are challenging situations that call for an experienced family law specialist. We’ll give you peace of mind and help you to calmly consider your options and make the right decisions. We care about you and your family’s future.

We are members Resolution

It's very easy when emotions run high for people to do and say unkind things that have a long-lasting impact and only make matters worse. Anger and fear will often lead to confrontation in the family law courts and all the cost and stress that can involve. There is another, better way.

Together with around 6,500 other family lawyers and professionals, we are members of an organisation called Resolution. Resolution members are committed to resolving family disputes constructively and we follow a Code of Practice that promotes a non-confrontational approach to family problems. Resolution encourages solutions that consider the needs of your whole family and are particularly focused on the best interests of the children involved.

Today, more than four out of five divorce cases will not end up in court. Indeed, the family law courts actively encourage people to resolve issues in a non-confrontational way. The many benefits of doing so include:

  • avoid the stress of going to court

  • help to avoid rifts developing between the parties

  • reduce time and cost

  • improve future communication and relationships

  • a much higher success rate in reaching agreement

Our highly experienced and qualified team family law specialists can help you avoid court. Then you will complete a divorce or separation without the cost, stress and confrontation typically experienced if using traditional court process. We’ll enable you to make child arrangements in the very best interests of your child or children. If you’re getting married, just married or cohabiting, our team will make sure you and your spouse or partner reach a practical agreement that suits you both.

In some family matters, of course, court is unavoidable. Both parties need to commit to an out-of-court approach when a relationship breaks down, and this is not always possible. If litigation is the path you must take, we will represent you robustly in court, too.

Whether it’s court or an out-of-court approach, such as mediation, you can trust Belderbos Solicitors to help you resolve your relationship and family matters. We are your experienced specialists in family law.

Our guiding principles

We have a clear set of principles that guide us, born out of a determination to do the very best for our clients. In our experience, when a relationship breaks up and emotions run high, people focus on the here and now rather than the best possible resolution for the future. Especially when children are involved, our advice is always to consider your family’s long-term interests. 

We favour a kinder approach to resolving family matters. One that helps people to move on, rather than create more ill feeling. At the same time, we know from many years’ experience that every family situation is unique and requires empathy. That means a deep understanding of what our client is going through. Finally, the last thing we want is to give you the extra worry of unknown legal costs. We always consult our clients from the outset, for no fee, to make sure we hit the ground running when you instruct us.

In short, these are our guiding principles:

  • Always seek the kindest resolution

  • An empathetic, client-focused approach

  • Time is precious, so efficiency is key

Choose Belderbos Solicitors if you want an experienced specialist solicitor in family law who cares about you and your family’s future.