Complaints Policy

Our Policy
We aim to offer transparency to all our clients. Our clients are advised in our initial Terms of Business of their right to complain and how to do so.

Policy Objective
We aim to give clients a straightforward procedure to follow if they wish to make a complaint about the legal services and mediation to include MIAM’s that they have received from Belderbos Solicitors.

The following Complaints Procedure is available to clients:

Complaints Procedure

We wish to hear from you if you are unhappy about any aspect of our service. Your views are important to us and help us to improve our standards.

James Belderbos, our sole director, considers and will deal with any complaints. His contact details are:

Belderbos Solicitors
20 A Church Street
LE15 6AA

Tel: 01572 490660

Upon receipt of any complaint from you, the following steps will be taken:

James will acknowledge receipt of your complaint in writing within 7 days.

James will then establish the details of your complaint. He may ask you for further details about your complaint at this stage.

Once James has received any information requested from you, he will investigate your complaint. He will aim to complete the investigation within 4-6 weeks.

If there will be any delay in the investigation, James will write to you and explain the reasons for the delay, he will also give you the best indication of the likely timescale to complete the investigation.

You may be invited to attend a meeting with James to discuss the matter, but there is no obligation upon you to attend.
Once James has completed his investigation, he will write to you with his conclusions.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of the investigation, you may make a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6167, Slough, SL1 0EH. Tel: 0300 555 0333 Email:, or the Family Mediators Association, Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, Nasmyth Building, 2nd Floor, 60 Nasmyth Avenue, East Kilbride, G75 0QR, Tel: 01355 244 594.

Before accepting a complaint for investigation, the Legal Ombudsman will check that you have tried to resolve your complaint with us first. If you have, then you must take your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman:
Within six months of receiving a final response to your complaint, and,
Not later than one year from the date of the act or omission being complained about; or;
Not later than one year from the date when you should have realised that there was cause for complaint.
There may be circumstances where the Legal Ombudsman has a discretion to accept out of time complaints, please refer to the Legal Ombudsman’s website for further details at

The Solicitors Regulation Authority can help you if you are concerned about any non-service aspect of the firm. This includes any practice or regulatory issues, which you believe should be considered by the professional regulator of solicitors.

You can raise your concerns with the Solicitors Regulation Authority at